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What is chaos from a spiritual perspective?Human beings feel shattered when their life falls apart and didn't turn out to be the way they planned.Huge changes are considered as a chaos.Have you ever wondered why most of the awakened people have gone through a chaotic life and faced many losses in their early years?Some even lost everything they had and became homeless (eg: Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch.)

Often changes in life which can't be controlled especially a huge ones are considered as chaos.Is chaos a blessing or a curse?

What does chaos do? Let's dive into it.

We always want to refine everything to one single point and have been thought to view life in a linear way.However,life is never linear,it's always circular.Everything goes in a circle and cyclical.Our universe, the galaxies are too in a circular form.Physical reality is cyclical.We want our whole life to go from point A to B to C to D and the list just goes on in a linear form.Our mind has been trained to view everything in a linear way.Therefore any sort of changes which interrupts this pattern is considered as a chaos.Life is meant to be fluid and change is the essence of life.Any resistance to that change will create more miseries.

So when chaos happens, it interrupts our daily life, our usual pattern and takes us aback either by losing something or everything we had or disappoint us by failing our plans.It kills our ego and makes us question our reality.This interruption shows us that there is something bigger than us is in charge of our life .

Chaos violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that a new joy can find space to enter.

“It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart so that fresh green leaves can grow in their place.It pulls up rotten roots so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow.Whatever chaos shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.It shakes off your old foundation in order to bring through a new growth.”-RUMI

This is similar to Newton's first law."An object at rest will stay at rest.Unless an external force acts upon it".

Chaos is the external force and is the way universe helps us to interrupt our karmic pattern and wakes us up from the illusion which makes us feel miserable on earth.If there is no chaos or changes(often we look at changes as chaos), we will remain the same miserable person for the rest of our life.We will be born, go to school, then to college, graduate, get a job, fall in love, marry, have children, work hard day and night to provide for our family and then die with lots of regrets.Everything will be robotic and our infinite potential as a human being will never be realized.We had everything except for a life.

Nothing is wrong when we want to enjoy material possessions.The problem arises when we get identified with it and gets obsessed with it, rather than looking at them from a higher perspective.We have limited ourselves to something very fragile.This type of identifications and limitation will completely distort your perception of life.

Every identity and material possessions whether it is a relationship, money or job are temporary and losing it will make us think :

"What is permanent?Most importantly, we will question ourselves :

"Who am I"? why am I here?what is my purpose ?where am I from?

You will start to realize slowly that you are beyond the body and mind, bigger and more powerful than all those labels and identity you gave yourself. Slowly we will realize that separation and comparison are utter nonsense.We have limited ourselves so much to the extent where our happiness and peace is solely dependent on the survival and failed to live our life to the fullest.

When everything fails, God is the last option for a human being.Chaos makes you face your own darkness in order to see your own light.We are naturally designed to follow our soul's path.When we deviate from it, our life naturally falls apart to bring us back on track.

Only when we are aligned with our higher self, we can be the best version of ourselves and express our true nature every moment.Only then suffering can be alleviated permanently and peace will be our effortless state.

Are we a victim or a co-creator?

I do agree that chaos does not always create awakened great people like Swami Vivekananda or Eckhart Tolle .Chaos also created many miserable people.Why?

When chaos happens, we have two choices.Its either we behave like a victim and go around blaming others or situation or God or fate forever OR we take responsibility to find the root cause of the problem without accusing anyone and get committed to going beyond our problems and thoughts.

The latter are the ones who managed to go beyond their karmic pattern and become the greatest version of themselves.They become the true seekers.Meanwhile, those who decided to be a victim, are the ones who remain miserable forever.

I had the same type of problems over and over again.The first few times I played the victim.I tried controlling the outcome of a situation, holding on tightly to the past without allowing changes and could not accept the changes.More and more chaos was attracted every time I refused to take responsibility.

Finally, I let go of my control and took responsibility for all my problems.I got committed to do an enormous amount of inner work and start healing my past wounds.Eventually, I saw the root cause of all my problems.The dedication and commitment finally paid off.Unconditional love, peace, and joy became my natural state.Slowly I started to express my true nature every moment.Everything became a miracle.

So I've played the victim and also later took responsibility for all my problems.I realized that I'm a co-creator.Chaos was created not just to wake us up but also to show us that we are a co-creator.In fact, considering something as a chaos is just a perspective, not the fact, to me personally it is a blessing.The Divine is waiting for all of us to have a collaboration with it in order to create heaven on earth.The chaos was just a way to remind us about the collaboration with the universal force.

Remember, we are not the employees of the Universe or God, we are the partner in crime, the co-creators.

The universe will keep creating chaos till we take responsibilities for everything and start acting as its life partner.The choice is in our hands.

So ask yourself these questions if you are facing a chaotic situation right now:

*Which aspect of my life am I having difficulties?

*What is the root cause of this problem?

*If someone else is the cause, why do you think that person would have created that problem?What would have made them behaved that way?

*How did I contribute to this problem?

*How do I feel about this situation?

*Might other people have a different interpretation of the same situation?What are they?

*Which part of my body emanates the feelings I feel about the chaotic situation?Focus on that part for few minutes and breath into that part of the body.

*How can I take responsibility to solve this problem without blaming myself or anyone else?

*How can I help the third party involved(the person whom I think is the cause of the problem) from my end to solve this problem?

Write down every chaos you have faced in your life at the left side of a page, then write down the transformation and blessings those chaos brought into your life at the right side of the page.

So do you think chaos is a blessing OR a curse OR blessings in disguise? ;-)

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