Every one of us has both masculine and feminine energy irrespective of the gender.We call them as Shiva and Shakti, Ida and Pingala and in Taoism as yin and yang. So what is masculine and feminine energy?
Masculine energy is analytical,controlling,logic,action oriented,striving,planning and concrete conceptualization.
Meanwhile feminine energy is sensuality,surrender,trust ,intuitive,
patience,nurturing,receptive,calm,soft,abstract conceptualization,
tranquility,being and allowing.
Imbalance of these energies in us can create turbulence in our life.Masculine energy is not just for the man and the feminine energy is not only for women.Both genders have to balance both these energies in them.So let's look at the history of these energies on earth and the reason for the imbalance.
During ancient time, the men had to hunt for food & protect their family as they were physically stronger than women.Hence the women were dependent on men for survival.Since the men go out for hunting, so the women had to look after their home and children. Naturally, the men embodied the masculine energy more and the women embodied the feminine energy.Survival at that time was dependent on how strong, analytical and action-oriented a man was in order to survive and protect his family.
Men and women during those ancient times were living based on survival mode.The stronger and braver men come back home bringing more food and were celebrated by his community.Meanwhile, the women at that time were dependent on men for everything including for food, accommodation, and protection.
Hence masculine energy was celebrated and glorified.Meanwhile, the feminine energy was considered as a symbol of weakness and was condemned.Nothing is wrong when we embody either one of those energies at a certain point in our life.Obviously, when a man goes for hunting, he has to embody more masculine energy at that moment.The problem arise when we glorify masculine energy and suppress or ignore the feminine energy in us.
Men who embodied more feminine energy was considered as a symbol of humiliation by the society and we have often heard people saying that "real men don't cry".
So the denial and suppression of feminine energy have started during ancient times and influenced our genetics.
The men denied and suppressed the feminine energy in them.When they suppressed the feminine in them, it was expressed externally as domination, control, inequality, criticism, and humiliation towards women who naturally embodied more feminine energy.Religion and culture which was created by men all over the world came up with rules which control the women.
Some part of the world denied education and job for the women..Women were not given equality and independence.
Since the masculine energy was celebrated,women also started to slowly deny the feminine energy in them.
It's either they considered themselves inferior and worthless compare to the men by glorifying masculine energy OR they try to suppress the feminine energy in them by embodying only masculine energy.The latter type of women are the one who wants to imitate men in everything NOT with the intention to improve herself but to just prove she is equal to men or to overpower men by suppressing the feminine energy in her.
Now let me clarify something here, nothing is wrong when a woman wants to imitate men but she has to do it without suppressing the feminine energy in her as when both energies are balanced, she will become the most magnificent and powerful goddess on earth.Otherwise, she is just going to be as miserable as a man who suppressed the feminine energy in them.
So suppressed feminine energy in women will make them either extremely aggressive and dominate like a man or become a doormat who glorifies men.Both extremes are a sign of an imbalance of masculine & feminine energy in us.
Meanwhile, when the masculine energy is suppressed in us, we will be a pessimist or just a dreamer or stagnant by not taking any initiative or action to achieve our goals or manifest something in our life.So a person with suppressed masculine energy will fail to plan and take actions on their intentions or responsibilities.They will spend time only to talk or dream about their intentions repeatedly without being committed to taking action on their intentions.
This imbalance of energy will create resentment, turbulence, stress and unfulfilled life.The society has a preconceived notion that the women and men are supposed to behave in a certain way all the time without considering the situation or challenges at that point of time.We need to make decision and take actions on what is needed at that moment rather than applying a fixed rule on every situation blindly.
Suppose you are a working mother. A working mother will naturally have some guilt of not being a good mother to her children as she has to work and could not spend time with her children.If anything goes wrong in her family, it's always her fault for working or she is expected to sacrifice her goals and passions in order to be a good mother. This happens as the society thinks a woman is only entitled to have only feminine energy and behave accordingly as that was our tradition since the ancient time.
Meanwhile, a man who takes his time to feel and express his emotions, calm, soft and patient are considered cowards in our society.This happens as the society have a fixed rule on what a male should or shouldn’t do all the time.
Controlling our life and its outcome is a typical masculine energy which leads to enormous frustration and stress.Getting in touch with intuition,be in the state of being rather than becoming,being more receptive and surrendering to the divine is a feminine energy.Both energies must be balanced,otherwise life becomes a struggle,
When both these energies are balanced and accepted as a natural aspect of both men and women, life will naturally be in balance, harmony, and peace.Everything in life will be a miracle.You will be in perfect harmony with the flow of the universal force and connect to the cosmic consciousness.
Men will be free to express and feel his emotions deeply.Meanwhile women will be given the equality and independence.
When you are in harmony with the higher power in yourself, struggle or resistance will not be part of your life.Problems will be there but will be solved smoothly without much struggle or resistance.
When you want to manifest a goal in your life effortlessly,the masculine and feminine energy in yourself must be in balance.Let me give you an example.
Suppose you want to get promoted at your workplace.So you work extremely hard, proactive, volunteered to do extra projects or assignment and have a good bond with your boss.You tried your best to get promoted by working very hard day and night.Many sleepless nights, worries and stress.Unfortunately, you were not promoted due to some inevitable reasons.This outcome will lead to frustration .This is a typical masculine energy.Too much of stress and trying to control the outcome shows the presence of zero feminine energy.
So when a person is balanced, he will take the right action(Masculine energy) not just rationally(masculine) but also from his intuition(feminine).Once the right inspired action is taken, he will let go of the attachment towards the outcome (feminine energy), regardless of the result as he knows that the universe always delivers the best result which serves his highest good at the right time.He might not be able to see the path of his life clearly right now but have complete faith that he is being supported by the universe.
Everything happens in a divine time.Here this man does not have stress, anxiety or worries.He simply did his responsibility by giving his best and let go of the attachment towards the outcome.He is completely involved doing the work to the extent that even if he doesn't get promoted, he will not get depressed and will accept the moment as it is without resisting it as he knows that the more he resist something, the more it will persist and he will get stuck in that situation for a very long time.
Therefore most probably he will get his reward by getting some other designation or some other work or career which might offer better pay or greater freedom or fulfillment and serves his highest good which is beyond his expectation.When we don’t get attached to a specific outcome,we are actually allowing the universe to surprise us by rewarding something which is far more than we could ever imagine in our wildest dreams.
We can apply this concept to relationships, health and money matters.The moment we accept and embrace the masculine and feminine energy in us, we will see the kingdom of heaven on earth.So how can we balance these energies in simple ways?I will share few techniques which transformed my life in my next article.