Self awareness is a complete awareness of one's deep unconscious belief, thought, emotions and action without judgment.One with high self awareness will be highly aware not only of the relationship they have with themselves but also with others and will not react to a trigger out of compulsiveness, rather respond to it consciously.
The reaction comes instantly without much thought or pauses from the unconscious mind out of self defense which might make you regret later and affect the quality of your relationships and life.It arises from past memory and programs in your mind.
Meanwhile, the response comes from the conscious mind and present moment after some pause considering the well being of you and also others who are involved.The response will usually give the best solution which serves the highest good for everyone involved and enhances the quality of your relationships.Self awareness gives you the power to choose our response.
Most of us react to a situation and make the same type of choices and decision from our unconscious thoughts which was deeply programmed in our childhood.The same type of bad relationships, disempowering friends, career and etc.So today I'm going to share with you how I raised my self-awareness and transformed my life.
1.Which part of your life is a mess?
Every one of us has an obstacle or mess in some part of our life.If our relationship with our spouse is great, our career might be a problem.If our career is great, our health might not be very good.The good news is we can change our life regardless of how bad it seems to be.
Write down on a piece of paper the part of your life which does not seem to satisfy you on the left side of the page.Then on the right side write the details of it and the reason on why you are not satisfied with it.
For example,I was not satisfied with my friendships.So on the left column, I wrote friendships.On the right column, I wrote the reasons such as "I keep attracting not like-minded friends, betrayers and disempowering ones repeatedly.
2.Ask the right questions
After writing the reasons for your dissatisfaction, at the next page ask the right questions.Take 5 deep breath.Relax and ask questions such as:
1.How does this problem make me feel?
2.From which part of my body does this emotions come from?Breath into that part of the body.
3.When did I first time experienced this feeling especially in childhood?
4.How did I contribute to this problems?
5.How can I take responsibility to solve this problem?
6.Why am I keep on experiencing this pattern again and again?Is it the way I make a decision?Is it my belief system?Or is it due to my fear?Or is it something else?
7.Do you believe that you deserve the best solution for this problem?If yes/No, write the reasons.
8.Do you have any fear related to this problem?If yes, what is it and why do you think so?
Write the answers to all those questions above.If you are not sure about the answers, place your right hand on your heart, and ask the question again..Breath slowly..This practice will bring out your subconscious beliefs and thoughts which lead to the destructive pattern in your life.It will not only raise your awareness of your self and life but will also improve the quality of your relationship and life.
3. Journaling
Journaling taps into the higher realm and opens up your connection tothe divine.This technique allows the universe to help you to align with your soul's desire and comes up with the right solution.
It can help you to be more aware of your behavior, pattern, reaction, and problems from a clearer and a higher perspective.
I have come up with extraordinary ideas and solution through journaling.Through journaling, I found out many destructive subconscious beliefs that have been programmed in my mind.
Many years I complained of attracting the wrong type of friends.Through journaling, I realized that unconsciously I have always rejected or not interested in good people who approached me.Its either I felt they were boring or "Not My type" and was more attracted towards problematic ones.This awareness has completely transformed the way I look at people and friendships.I'm no more attracting the same type of friends as I'm very aware of my thoughts and choices.
So daily try to write about your day or any problems which are bothering you.You will be surprised at what you write.If you can't find anything to write I'll give you some ideas.After the first sentence, write what you think and feel.
-When I am at my best,I. . . . .
-When I get triggered,I tend to . . . .
-What can support me in challenging times . . . .
-When I feel confident,I. . .
When I feel unsure of myself,I . . .
When I feel unsure
of myself,I . . .
When I feel understood,I . . .
4. Heart & body scan meditation
This specific meditation has transformed the way I look at my life.Heart meditation connects you to cosmic consciousness and helps you to not only to increase your intuition but also aligns your life with your soul's path and opens up many beautiful opportunities.You will know intuitively to make the right decision at the right time effortlessly.Scientifically it reduces your stress, balances your blood pressure and also loses your weight.I lost few pounds of my weight.
Meanwhile, body scan meditation increases your awareness, attention, reduces body aches and help you to be very mindful.Body scan meditation helps me to respond to triggers rather than react out of emotions.It helped me to still my mind and connect me to my higher self.
1).Take a deep breath slowly.During inhalation, neck and shoulders remain relaxed. As the breath goes downward, the chest expands, the rib cage elevates, diaphragm goes down and the belly comes out. The area between sternum, navel, and perineum feels stretched. The upper back widens and the lumbar arch slightly deepens.
2).During exhalation, neck and shoulders remain relaxed. Diaphragm relaxes, chest and ribcage retract to their pre-inhalation size and position, the belly goes in, navel slightly pulled in towards the back and the lumbar arch in the low back slightly flattens.
Do this breathing exercise at least for 10 times.
3).Then relax your body from head to toe.Start from head,face,tongue,teeth,jaw,
Neck,chest,upper and lower back,chest,abdomen,legs,toes.Go slowly.
Now put both your hand on your lap, palm facing upwards.Focus your attention on your heartbeat for few seconds.
4)Then ask this question without answering it:
A.Who am I?
B.What is my life purpose?
C.What do I want?
D.What is my happiness?
5)Then focus on your sensation in your body slowly..Start from your right big toe.Feel the sensation there.You might feel warmness or tingling or cold or even numbness.Slowly go to other parts of your body.From head to toe.If you can't feel anything in certain part of the body, it is okay, you can move on to another part.
6)Then, Imagine the heart pumping blood to your palms.Focus on your palm and fingers.You might feel some warmness, cold or tingling sensation.This will prevent the stress hormones from going to your belly which actually leads to the formation of belly fat.
7)After the body scan meditation, focus again on your heartbeat.Then mention the things you are thankful for in your life.For eg: I am thankful for having a loving family or a job or a friend or a house..Mention at least 3 things you are grateful for in your life.
8)Then ask "Dear God/Universe/Divine power, how can I serve my highest purpose today?I am here,I am ready,I am open.Please guide me.Thank you.
Try to do this meditation at least once a day.This meditation has strengthened my connection with the higher consciousness and brought many miracles.Try to do journaling after this meditation and write down everything you felt during this meditation..It can be ideas, some sensation, emotions or visions.
The last but not the least is mindfulness,vipassanna and kundalini yoga worked amazingly for me.Mindfulness completely changed my perspective on life.A blog post on mindfulness will be published soon.